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                         3.   INSTALLATION

     A. The Batch File

        The  batch  file  for DOORWAY  to  run  a  door should  look
        something like this:


        The COM (or PORT)  selection must be the first  command line
        parameter (unless you are using  the DOOR.SYS file), and the
        program (or  /C:DOS if a drop to dos)  must be the last, but
        all the other switches can be in any order.

             DOORWAY > The DOORWAY program

             COM1 > The com port number.   Can be COM1, COM1:, COM2,
             COM2:, COM3, COM3:, COM4, COM4:, PORT:AAAA:I, SYS, TBBS
             or  LOCAL.   Also each  of these  possibilities  can be
             followed by a  "X" or "F", as  COM1F.  The COM  will be
             overridden  and DOORWAY will  run in local  mode if the
             board  was   signed  on  locally,  and  PCBOARD.SYS  or
             DOOR.SYS is found.   The SYS tells  it to look for  the
             file  DOOR.SYS instead  of PCBOARD.SYS  in its  current
             directory.   This generic door  interface file contains
             the  user's name, port number, time  left and so forth.
             For the actual  construction of this SYS file,  look at
             the DOORSYS.DOC file included in this package.  DOORWAY
             will  make  use  of  a   short  form  DOOR.SYS  or  the
             "standard"  DOOR.SYS file created  by GAP,  Wildcat and
             other bulletin  board packages.  You can  use either of
             these  formats,  DOORWAY  will  determine  which  it is

             The additional COM3  and COM4  support allows some  COM
             ports,  addressed as  COM3 and  COM4,  to be  used with
             DOORWAY.  The address of the  UART base address must be
             found in RAM at  40:4 and 40:6, for DOORWAY to find the
             ports.  COM3  will use  interrupt 4 and  COM4 will  use
             interrupt 3 (same  as COM1 and  COM2).  If your  system
             doesn't  map the  addresses of  the COM ports  into low
             memory, or  the port  uses other  than these  interrupt
             requests,  you  will have  to  give DOORWAY  the actual
             address and IRQ of the COM  port.  Use the PORT:AAAA:I,
             where  AAAA is 4 hexadecimal digits of the base address
             of the port,  and I is  a hexadecimal digit  indicating
             the interrupt number. IE.  PORT:03F8:4 is equivalent to

             If the additional parameter "F" is placed after the COM
             or SYS, then this tells DOORWAY  to use a Fossil driver
             for it's communications.   If you are not familiar with
             Fossil drivers, then do not use the "F" parameter.

             Also if you  place the  additional parameter "X"  after
             the COM  or SYS, DOORWAY  will not do  any redirection,
             but will still monitor the carrier and the keyboard and
             user time. This is  in case you have a  program already
             written as a door, but it doesn't monitor  these things
             properly. The  "X" and  "F" may  both be  used in  that

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